Thursday, March 14, 2013

Lacvert Re-blossom Sleeping Pack 120ml

Lacvert Re-blossom Sleeping Pack 120ml

Today,  I woud like to introduce Lacvert Re:Blossom Sleeping Pack to you. 
I bought the Lacvert Re:Blossom Sleeping Pack
because I was out of my Tonymoly Sleeping Pack. 

This is the product from LG health and I am sure that  you all know about Lacvert.
I've realized for the first time that there was a brand named re-blossom in Lacvert.

When you open the lid of Lacvert re:blossom, 
you can see that it's a tube-type product. 
Even though it's a non-transparent tube, it's very convenient to squeeze out. 
Let's apply some on my ugly hand.

I squeezed some Lacvert Re:Blossom Sleeping Pack.
It wasn't very sticky on the skin. 
Tonymory's product was very sticky, but 
Lacvert Re:Blossom Sleeping Pack isn't really sticky. 

This is when I've applied the Lacvert Re:Blossom Sleeping Pack. 
Even though it's not sticky, the absorption is a bit annoying. 
It feels very heavy as well. 
It makes me feel as if it had created a protection layer. 
I've been using it for quite some time and it felt really nice in morning the next day. 

Click here to purchase the product.

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